You probably started your business with dreams of having a high income AND freedom. You may have found, once the honeymoon phase was over, that you sacrificed one, if not both, of these objectives.
In this book Alex masterfully applies the brutal lessons he learned in Iraq to business here at home.
Kill Complacency in People
Learn to get more out of yourself and your team without increasing payroll expenses.
Kill Complacency in Marketing
Learn how to maximize your marketing dollars and give your team the best opportunities to drive production and growth.
Kill Complacency in Your Organizational Structure
Learn to scale your business, add significant profits, and gain unlimited freedom as the business owner.
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You probably started your business with dreams of having a high income and freedom. You may have found that you sacrificed one, if not both, of these objectives. In this book Alex masterfully applies the brutal lessons he learned in Iraq to business here at home.